Sunday, March 27, 2011

March 27

I've been in Poland about 2 months now, and sad to say I still know very little Polish.  However, I've been working at it the past week, mostly on pronunciation, which can be pretty difficult.  I don't think words are meant to have so many consonants strung together without any vowels in between.

The job situation has been pretty much the same.  Still waiting for my work permit, still work at the preschool.  I recently had a couple interviews for teaching English online, though, so that would be nice if I get one of those jobs.

In non-Polish news, I am an Uncle again!!  On March 17th, Matt and Micah had a baby boy named Jase Patrick.  I can't wait to meet him, hopefully I get to come home soon.

Meanwhile, back in Poland…Last weekend, Dagmara and I went out for a Sunday drive, stopping in this little town called Zgierz, just outside of Łódź.  There was a pretty cool park there, with an obstacle course that I assume will open when the weather gets warmer.  I'm gonna have to hit that up.  Lots of ducks as well, got to see a few man ducks battling it out for the lady ducks.  Then we cruised through the countryside.  One of the cool things about the country roads in Poland is that they almost always have tall trees on either side.  Afterwards, we hit up this cool German restaurant on Piotrkowska Street where I sampled my very first Schnitzel.  It was pretty delicious.  I also took my camera out a bit and snapped a few more pics of the city.  The weather is warming up, so I plan on getting out to some of the cool churches I've seen.  That's all for now folks!

PS I'm blaming my NCAA Bracket disaster on geographic disadvantages


view from the park in Zgierz

to the victor go the spoils

country road

Our friend VW took this pic for us



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